graphic showing 3 values on light grey circles

Dig deep by asking questions, look for nuance, and design personality into every touchpoint. Use words and images to tell stories that capture real complexity.

Transform your brand by understanding your audience and finding innovative ways to connect with them on their level.

Shape Design specializes in the following areas:

Graphic of location marker icon being edited in a design program

Brand Research

Dial in your offering to become the most attractive option in the marketplace. Understand who your audience is and position your brand to target the right people in the right places. Create a plan that outlines the steps needed for growth.

Graphic of letter "s" being edited in a design program

Identity Design

Create a visual universe that communicates who you are and what you do. A logo is just the beginning—stand out by defining an aesthetic that is immediately recognized online, on social, in print or in your storefront.

Line Graphic of cloud being edited and pulled in a design program

Website Design

Draw visitors to your website by telling a compelling brand story. Create an engaging experience by guiding users to focal points throughout the site, building trust and calling them into action.

Line Graphic of 3D transparent cube being edited in a design program

Physical Things

Expand your identity into tangible touchpoints and create lasting impressions. Use signage and menus to engage patrons as they enter your space, or hand out business cards and brochures to new and prospective clients.

We are small but mighty, a hub for creativity and innovation. From our network of collaborators, Shape assembles the best possible team for each project. Collaborators are experts in the areas of web development, animation, fabrication, digital marketing, printing, video, photography and more.

John Shukin
Owner & Creative Director

John Shukin has been surrounded by art and design his entire life. From an early age he designed books, original typography, skateboard ramps and concrete forms. Some of his favourite memories are from wandering around museums like the National Gallery in Ottawa and the MOMA in New York. Influenced by an eclectic childhood, John creates broadly across a range of mediums, always seeking to build a strong connection to the people and environment his work lives in.

man setting up hanging installation of origami seagulls

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